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Oh dear….


It appears I’ve been a bit slack with the updating of my blog.

I was just sorting out my Photobucket account and I realised I haven’t posted anything since Week 15!

So, let’s start with Week 16!!

Week 16

On the Sunday, I bleached J’s hair, then she totally pissed me off by going to her boyfriends house and dyeing it purple!

Monday, was Winifred’s 2nd birthday and I posted off admition that I had been speeding a few weeks before.

On Thursday we heard the very happy news that Arnie (Matt’s best friend) had finally become a father!

On Friday, Walter turned 2 and on Saturday, my Mum turned 71!!

I didn’t see her that day as I was planning to visit the Island the following week.

Week 17

Week 17 started off slow, Janey was supposed to come visit, but her bad knee prevented her from doing so :(

I worked Thursday instead of Wednesday so that we could get my induction done.

Friday I had my property inspection and Rosanne came over to show me how to bind my quilt!

On Saturday, I went to Wonderwool!!

Yes, I wasn’t supposed to be going, but Jane offered me a lift the week before and I could hardly refuse!

I ordered my ticket and didn’t tell anyone I was going. It was fab to get there and have loads of people surprised to see me :) If you’d like to see my pictures, they’re here. I had a fab day with Jane and Kirstin, but was absolutely shattered to get home at 8pm after a 5am start!

Week 18

On Tuesday of Week 18, Alex and I went to the Island and Alex had his braces removed!

No braces

It’s really quite amazing as he’d only had them in about a year, but he has lovely straight teeth now! He’s so pleased.

This picture was taken in the dentist chair just after they’d been removed.

He’ll have to wear a retainer at night for a while, but you don’t know he’s wearing it when it’s in.

While we were on the Island, we also went and visited the family – I do miss them! – and decided we’d celebrate the removal of braces by getting a Chinese takeaway as we haven’t had one since we moved away.

Not sure what’s going to happen now, going to the dentist every six weeks gave us the perfect excuse to visit the family. I shall have to make it a regular thing to go over and see them, I just wish it wasn’t so expensive!

Mum with her quilt

I also had the opportunity to deliver Mum’s Birthday present, I was very pleased with the quilt once I’d finished it!

The only machine stitching on the entire thing was where the binding had been attached to the front of the quilt (which Rosanne did), the rest of it was done entirely by hand!

I think Mum liked it and I hope she uses it.

I do plan to make more quilts…I’m just not sure when as I’ve got so many knitted projects lined up (as you can see by the sidebar), but I’ll get to it eventually!

On Wednesday, I worked and then went to the doctor to have my contraception implant out. This is something I thought long and hard about.

Obviously, being single; I don’t use it for the contraception side of things, but I do love the fact it stopped my cycle. Yet, that is precisely the reason I had it removed.

I’ll be 38 this year and I know that, sooner or later, I shall hit the menopause and quite frankly; I’d like my body to be as normal as possible when that happens – not having periods is not normal (no matter what anyone says!), so I’ve had it removed to give my body a chance to sort itself out before any funky menopausal stuff sends it doolally!

Wednesday afternoon, I also cut my hair.

Yes, I cut the dreads!

I took a good long, hard look at them and while I love them – they didn’t look how I wanted.

And it was my fault.

I’ve wrecked them with the constant bleaching and dyeing over the past two years.

So I went from this:

Long, blonde dreads

To this:

Short blone dreads

Short dreads

If anyone knows how to put more than one photo on a line…could you tell me?

Then we dyed it. I used Black Cherry, which is one that I normally use and it usually looks gorgeous; a sort of reddy black.

But putting it on over bleached hair had quite a different result!

Short dreads

It’s quite an unusual colour and not something I would’ve gone for deliberately, but I quite like it.

Of course, the grey is really going to show through as it grows, but I shall be strong and leave it at this length (trimming every couple of months) until all the dye has grown out and my locks are healthy and their natural colour again!

On Thursday, Oscar and Dexter came to stay while Debs & Bry went on a little cruise.

They went home on Saturday and I went to Bradford-On-Avon to go to Jumble Jelly for our monthly spin in.

Week 19

Week 19 started off with me removing the dressing on my arm from the implant removal – I had to keep that damn thing on for five days!!

Dinky bag

On Tuesday, Rosanna picked me up and we went to Poole to visit Bex for the day.

While we were there, Bex showed me how to make a very small project bag. I basically wanted one that was just big enough to put a sock project in; I find most project bags are too big for sock projects and there’s lots of excess fabric!

So, we did lots of measuring and I cut out the fabric I’d taken over. I made Bex sew it up as I don’t like machines and we ended up with an adorable little bag that I love!

I want to make loads more now too!

I’ve just gotten back into listening to audiobooks – gives me something to do when I’m on the bus going shopping – but my little earphones weren’t strong enough so that I could hear over the noise of the bus and other traffic.

So, I went on eBay and bid on a pair of SkullCandy folding headphones. I won them for £15!

Although, I wish I’d checked to see if these have the mic that works with the iPhone too so I don’t have to unplug them whenever anyone rings!

On Thursday, I ordered a new vacuum cleaner (I have such an exciting life!) as my little Hetty just isn’t up to the job of keeping a yellow carpet clean of grey Isis hair!

I got a Bissell and it’s amazing! Vacuuming the lounge now takes ten minutes instead of 45!

On Friday, I visited the dentist.

I hate visiting the dentist….with a passion!

When I was a kid, I was told my mouth was overcrowded and I needed four teeth extracted. The dentist injected my mouth eight times then sent me into the waiting room for it to numb while he dealt with another patient. When it was time for me to go back in, I started to cry and refused. I put my hands and feet on the door frame – five nurses picked me up, carried me in there and held me down while the dentist yanked out the teeth; I’ve hated them ever since!

But, when I was about 11, I fell flat on my face and broke my front tooth. It was crowned (by a different dentist – we never went back to that butcher!) and the crown has lasted all this time.

But, it’s slipped! It used to be straight and in line with my other teeth. Now I have quite a large gap between the crown and the front tooth next to it.

So, I registered with a dentist in town and went to see him.

He hasn’t helped my phobia at all really – he declared me to have advanced gum disease and stated that if I don’t visit the hygienist every 3 months (at a cost of £46 for half hour), all my teeth will fall out.

Oh, apparently I need a ‘small‘ filling too!

But, preparations to have the crown replaced are under way – he took a mould of my teeth so that they could make a temporary crown and took x-rays to see if the tooth under the crown is still alive (which I know it is!)

On Saturday, Matt came over as he had an MRI booked.

He also wanted to get a new phone so he came over very early.

It was one of those days right from the off!

He decided he was going to get the 9.15am ferry, that meant I needed to get the 8.37 bus to Southampton.

Matt miscalculated and ended up on the 8.45 ferry and my bus had obviously gone early as I missed it (at 8.33) and had to wait half an hour for the next one. Eventually we managed to meet up in West Quay.

We then went to the 3 store so that he could get a new phone. He really really wanted an iPhone 5, but the cheapest he could get it for was £49 up front then £34 a month – which he couldn’t really afford.  So he decided to go for the iPhone 4S – that was no upfront charge and £29 a month.

We left there and grabbed something to eat from the food market outside before heading off to the hospital.

The MRI was pretty straightforward and he decided he would come back to ours for dinner.

We caught the bus back to Southampton and headed for the train station.

While we were sitting on the platform, I was showing him some hints for his new phone.

We had trouble setting up his e-mail as he couldn’t remember his password, so he handed me his old phone (a Samsung Galaxy S2) to see if it was written on there somewhere. I couldn’t find it and put the phone next to him on the seat.

We were in Romsey before he realised he hadn’t picked the Galaxy up!

We walked back to the house – me apologizing all the way – and as soon as we got in, I called South West trains. They were most unhelpful and basically said I had to go back to the station to find out if staff there had picked it up.

I contacted o2 and had the phone blocked so it was useless to anyone who may have picked it up.

Project bag or headphone bag?

We had dinner and I opened my new (to me) SkullCandy headphones. They’re perfect and guess what I store them in?

The little bag that Bex made is perfect to carry them in when I’m not using them!

I will make a bag especially for them eventually (probably when I want to make socks and use the bag as a sock project bag!).

We headed back to the train station so that Matt could go home, I went with him as he wasn’t sure on the way and I can get home on the bus for nothing, it also gave me the opportunity to take Isis to see how she’d cope with public transport.

When we got to Southampton, I asked one of the staff if Matt’s phone had been handed in. She didn’t know anyting, but got on the radio.

The staff member on the opposite platform had found it! I don’t know who was more excited, the guard or Matt LOL

So, he went home with both phones (I contacted O2 the next day and got the block lifted) and I headed off to the bus stop.

It was 7.45pm by this point, I’d been on the go for over 12 hours.

And the next bus wasn’t until 9.25pm!

I decided to wait, Isis and I both had warm coats on and I had knitting with me – boring knitting, but at least it was knitting.

Unfortunately, my phone was dying so I couldn’t listen to an audiobook on my new headphones!

It got to about 8.30 and I was freezing and bored, I decided to catch the train instead. I went back into the train station only to be told I had just missed the two trains going via Romsey and the next one wasn’t until 9.15pm.

I went back to the bus stop.

I eventually got home around 11pm and Isis and I were both exhausted!

I suspect you are after reading all that too LOL

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